Use 3Dsurvey targets for specific projects
For projects where you want to be extremely accurate or when telemetry data cannot be measured, or it isn’t accurate enough we developed special 3Dsurvey targets that will help you get the data you need.

Providing independent values to be used

3Dsurvey targets developed based on feedback from the field

3Dsurvey also supports other known targets including AprilTags and checkerboard
Targets are a valuable tool used for projects where we want to be extremely accurate or when telemetry data cannot be measured, or it isn’t accurate enough. Blocks of images are orientated using ground control points that can be marked as validation points that provide independent values to compare against the GCP values.
3Dsurvey supports several kinds of targets but from field experience we developed special 3Dsurvey targets that are durable, lightweight and equipped with the Please do not move sign.
For any project where extreme accuracy is needed, and data is hard to measure.
You can order a pack of 10 HERE!
A classic 3Dsurvey target with a black circle on white plate works best for most projects. And it is not affected by intense sunlight! By using 3Dsurvey targets, detection and orientation is semi-automated, and minimal user input is needed.
When working on orientation you will notice green circles, they appear automatically, displaying the approximate positions of your GCPs. Depending on how you mark your target a coloured circle will appear.

3Dsurvey also supports other known targets:
- AprilTag: Coded target type. Each target has a unique, pre-defined ID. This enables you to use their main advantage – autodetection. Ideal for lower altitude flights (up to 40 m for standard 30 x 30 cm size) or smaller sites mapped with handheld devices (digital camera, phone, etc.). Detection and orientation are fully automated, no manual clicking is needed. The software supports the 16h5 family.
- Checkerboard: A square field with quarters of white and black squares placed diagonally. A simple target with great level of detection.
- Manual: If you are not using actual targets you can work with natural elements, manholes or sprayed targets.
3Dsurvey also enables you to work with mixed target types on a single project and to assign the type to each target.
Free Trial - Fully functional, no limitations - for 14 days
Check out all the features and additional modules of 3Dsurvey software and see if it fits your needs, then choose the appropriate licence.
All-in-One solution
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